
Beats Music Is Now Listed As An App Made By Apple

We have all heard about Apple’s latest $3 billion purchase of Beats from Monster. Now Apple has listed the app at the top of the ‘Apps Made By Apple’ list in the App Store alongside Pages, GarageBand, IMovie and IPhoto.

No one knows what else the two companies have in mind but I would not be surprised to see this application pre-installed on IOS 8 next month.

What is Beats Music?
Beats Music is an application abailable across a wide range of platforms which basically, for $9.99 a month, allows the user to stream and download unlimited music for the Beats Music Library much like Spotify and Deezer

As usual, feel free to share your thoughts down below and, Do you think that we will find Beats Music pre-installed on our IOS 8 devices.

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