Watch Dogs Glitches On PC Version
Watch Dogs is one of the most anticipated games of the year. For this reason, this news is particularly upsetting. On the day of release, the PC version of the game for AMD users has been crashing. According to Steam’s Watch Dogs forums, reports of constant crashes only five minutes into the game have been reported. AMD is said to release its new Catalyst 14.6 drivers (supposedly designed to optimize performance of Watch Dogs
) today. I only hope ‘optimize’ means playable in AMD’s terms.
Also, here at Buzzpods we have found a glitch in the game:
We were travelling on a train and the minimap showed police cars coming up behind us so we got on top of the train and there were 5 police cars on top of the train shooting at us!
Also, just like in GTA V, when you try to place vehicles on flat bed trucks they stay in that position and slide off the back of the truck.
UPDATE: It appears that Ubisoft have finally managed to fix the bugs. Read more here: Watch Dogs Fixed