Battlefield Hardline Delayed
Battlefield Hardline, the game which is currently in Beta was meant to be coming out in Q4 2014, however the developers have announced today that Battlefield Hardline
will be delayed until 2015.
EA made the following statement earlier today:
“Back at E3, we launched a beta for Hardline — we wanted to not only show you the game, but to let you play it for yourselves. Millions of you jumped in and had a great time. As a result, the Visceral Games team learned a lot from players about what they wanted in the game. We’ve been pouring over the data and feedback, and have already been putting a lot of it right into the game and sharing it directly with you.
“This feedback also spurred us to start thinking about other possibilities and ways we could push Hardline innovation further and make the game even better. The more we thought about these ideas, the more we knew we had to get them into the game you will all be playing. However, there was only one problem. We would need more time. Time that we didn’t have if we decided to move forward with launching in just a couple of months.”
There has been an influx of activity on various forums recently by the gaming community with many saying that Battlefield Hardline will not be worthy of a full separate game to Battlefield 4 along with a full retail price as opposed to simply being released as a DLC for Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline shares a lot with Battlefield 4
including the game engine along with pretty much everything else apart from the maps, guns and missions. The only real difference between Battlefield Hardline
and Battlefield 4
is that instead of play as a soldier, you can instead play as either a police officer or a robber.