
Chronicle Runescape Legends Overview

Hi everyone,
I’m back again with yet more content from Isomnia I54, this time it’s Chronicle Runescape Legends by Jagex. The game is currenlty in alpha and you can sign to the Chronicle newsletter over on the Jagex website. I really haven’t had much time to play the game and therefore the extent I can go to in my comments are very limited. For this reason, we managed to get Pete who has been working on Chronicle to talk you through it.

Enjoy the video!

I thought you might also be interested in what Jagex have said about the game down below:

Build Quests With Your Cards
Set inside a magical book, which builds the world in front of your eyes, Chronicle is a unique twist on collectible card games. Use your deck of cards to create a quest for your Legend to complete within the world of RuneScape.

Follow A Legend’s Journey
Once you have created a quest follow your Legend’s journey through the world. Battle enemy cards to earn gold that you can spend on buffs for your legend.

Battle Other Players
Your opponent will be creating quests in parallel with you, but watch out as they might try to steal your weapons or gold. At the end of your quests you do battle, with the last person standing the victor!

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